Welcome to the World hoppin'
119 + free stock photos in here!
World hoppin' is free stock photo site created by MANA in 2018.
Almost all the photos on World hoppin' are MANA’s own photos which gives her huge advantage of being 100 % sure that the photos are genuine and that there won’t be any hassle with copyrights and so on.
As you know, you can use World hoppin' images in many ways: blog, TV program, YouTube, seminar, leaflet, magazine, website, banner, signboard and etc.
I would like to continue increasing the number of photos.
Contant me : Instagram DM
About the Author
Hi, call me MANA. I'm Japanese. I'm just a backpacker, so the quality of the photos may be low, but please forgive me.
I started traveling abroad alone by my age 20 and have visited over 45 countries over 200 towns and villages so far.
Now I'm working as a frontend-engineer in Japan.
The photographs (over 60,000) that I was taking as a hobby during the trip were sleeping all the time in my HD.
I thought "If this keeps on, the photo will be dead." I thought it was very sad.
So, I thought about providing this sleeping photos to the whole world for free.
And I thought about donating a part of the advertisement income of this site for the world.
I want to return the favor to wonderful this world even a little bit.
I’ll be glad and very happy if you will be using World hoppin' photos.
Legal Simplicity
All photos on World hoppin' are free for any personal and commercial purpose.
All photos on World hoppin' fall under the Creative Commons CC0 license. That means you can copy, modify, distribute any photo on the site, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission!
Check out the full license description here.
Patuxay of Laos
Netherlands/Holland - Amsterdam
Walk through the Red-light district of Amsterdam
Netherlands/Holland - Kinderdijk
Dutch World Heritage Kinderdijk Elshout Windmills ②
A group of zebras we met on a safari tour in the Masai Mara National Reserve